Gliding from world of Gears to world of ABCs
I am yet to unfold all the layers. For now, I am picking on the positive vibes embracing the change. While business domain changes, analytics need is same; common goal of serving better, making valuable difference and bringing growth.
More than a decade in familiar setting, It was time to bring paradigm shift. And here I am , Building on Belief; finding my ikigai. Staying in comfort zone is easy; inviting mindful upheaval is courageous. This move has served its purpose. I sense it is for better, aligned with aspirations. (Someone has rightly said, "not taking a risk is itself a risk". Ship is always safe at shore, but that is not what it is built for)
I am awing the architecture of new doors, unlearning and relearning while embracing different perspectives, methods, approaches and attitude.
Nonetheless, I am grateful for what I acquired in the past years in terms of knowledge, skills, experiences, connections and friends for life.
Change is beautiful only if you got eyes to appreciate it.
P.S: Beauty lies in eyes of beholder; Augmented beauty lies in eyes of beer holder ;) Cheers!