I don't know why.....

I don't know why I close my eyes,
Ignore the things on which people sigh.

I don't know why people say I am adamant,
I am not bothered even as i am invariant.

I don't know why whenever I do this or that,
eyebrows are raised and am called selfish brat.

I dont know why I am clueless being,
events occuring around although am seeing.

I don't know why i became complex,
when evrything is clear and can be simplex.

I don't know why I remain introvert,
when friends are trying to make me an extrovert.

I don't know why I don't share my feelings,
Am I uncomfortable and afraid of public dealings!

I don't know why I keep on smiling,
people say something underneath I am hiding.

I don't know why I am shy,
I am called mysterious as I only say hi!

I don't know why it's hard to believe anyone,
I am over protective and doubt everyone.

I don't know why I fear,
noone would understand me,noone would hear.

I don't know why I am cursing me,
It's special, the creation of Thee.

I don't know why I am what I am,
help me improvising or accept me for what I am!


Saumit said…
U r the Best, the way U r now... & as far as these questions go, most people think the way U r doing, only the intensity & magnitude is different. More often some answers are easily obtained if U look more deeply into urself, analyse urself & ur actions & ur behaviour -- r U true to urself & to the others who love U dearly. The rest really don't matter (this is what I have learned from U). These are best answered by the person him/herself!!
And as far as the composition goes, U r developing like the under-19 cricket team. I soon hope to see a world cup winning composition!!
ankitminglani said…
goood one :) mast description diya hai apna tune :) but then the environment can't affect you na :) keep smiling .. keep your vision clear for the future :)

have a nice day !! :)

~~~ Golden Vulture ~~~
Anonymous said…
hi,sidd it doen't sound like u at all i know one girl wid profound knowledge depth insight spontaneou s in reacting and quite natural and healthy . thats u dear and no one else .luv u sis m.p.
The poem was great because you were quite open there....
well you want to explore yourself. Thats good rather but I think anything you do should have a purpose. Everytime it may not be possible but the more it is, the more meaningful is your life.....
As of the things you mentioned in the poem, they are quite small things. If you get driven by them, life is small to get over them.
Rather think, Am I happy? Is this happiness that I am experiencing? If you find yes, delve deeper until you find a 'no'.
Anonymous said…
hi dear.really a very awesum composition..n thnx to u all nw i understand d hidden n depth meaning to a gr8 xtent in ur poetries..i realy loved it..n how nicely u hav xplaind urself selfexplains so nice u a human being is..keep rockin n keep smiling..luv u dear
keshavi said…
hey sweetie, ur poem does describe u n i dont think therez anything wrong with that.....therez no reason tht u shd be upset with urself for what is other ppls inability to comprehend ur nature...i admire u for a lot of things....do let me know who called u a 'selfish brat', that prsnz going to hv to give some explanation...

ps: being mysterious is fun....
Anonymous said…
only line suits u "dat u make de things complex..."even complex things can be done easily even dey seems complex."zindagi to kat hi zayegi,kam to khatam ho hi zayega depends kum tension lekar karo ya masti ke saath..masti se karoge to life ban zayegi...bahut ho gaya zyada soch liya ab next poem mein masti bhari bate :D
JB said…
A Gr8 1 !

Gr8 things cme in small packages dat's y a small coment ;)
The Wanderer said…
@jaya : bahanon ke alava tujhe kuch kaam hai??

anyway to siddhi :
The flame burns the core of the wick,
and spreads light far and wide,
no use correcting the whole orld,
let start with the one inside...

kuch toh log kahenge...logon ka kaam HI hai kehna....

just be what you want to be....
The Wanderer said…
@jaya : bahanon ke alava tujhe kuch kaam hai??

anyway to siddhi :
The flame burns the core of the wick,
and spreads light far and wide,
no use correcting the whole orld,
let start with the one inside...

kuch toh log kahenge...logon ka kaam HI hai kehna....

just be what you want to be....
ankit jain said…
dis 1 iz nice too..
its nt only wid u.. many-a-ppl must b thinkin dis abt demselves.. coz othrs tend to form opinions n u cant go n explain it 2 evry1.. so b urslf n b gud. 1 day al vl realise!
ankit jain said…
"I like to b against d odds.I m not afraid 2 b lonely at d top. With me, it's just d satisfaction of d game.Just performance".

dis 1 whch u hv written 4 urslf, indicates wat post u wrote..
in my opinion, ya being on top iz gr8, bt 1 cant b happy alone! :)
Cinephile said…
the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind………..ha ha ha
cant find anything fr this.
nice blog….well written poems….i was just messing with yr blog….trying to find sthing for every poem written by u….(first one is someone else I think)…..good exercise huh……hope I didn’t deface your blog……… offence must be forgiven…..keep it up…..ha ha ha…..
Siddhi Agrawal said…
@ mr unknown: u r welcome to my blog
Anonymous said…
Good words.

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