Don't Quit

When things go wrong,
as they sometimes will.
when the road you're trudging,
seems all up hill.

When funds are low,
and debts are high,
and u want to smile,
but u have to sigh.

when care is pressing,
you down a bit,
rest if u must....
but don't u quit.

Life is strange,
with its twists and turns,
as everyone of us,
sometimes learns.

And many a failure,
turns about,
when he might have won,
had he stuck it out.

Don't give up,
though the pace seems low,
you may succeed,
with another blow.

p.s: visit


Cinephile said…
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy

Look at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy

Bobby McFerrin (Movie "Cocktails")
Siddhi Agrawal said…
thanks mr stranger,nice wrk
Cinephile said…
hey boss I am not dat gifted like you…..ha ha ha…Its not my work, the phrase was perhaps coined by mehar baba and bobby mcferrin composed d music, don’t know exactly who wrote d song because I have heard different version, bob marley as well has sung it (I think I heard it)…..nyways waiting fr yr new post….so dat I can find a song fr it… already have fanbase boss…lol
Siddhi Agrawal said…
hey man! u r most welcome to my blog. evry1 wud appreciate a fan,so do i. Btw whts ur good name?
keep waiting for next post,although it wud tk a long time
Cinephile said…
there is nothing in the name boss, I might be rovinroustabout, a highwayman…or a nomadic hobo….. or a common nobody….but most importantly I am fan of eloquent writing….nd fans are anonymous creatures……see I can also write sthing….ha ha ha
Siddhi Agrawal said…
hmmm u can write very well,although m nt an eloquent writer.

meantime d new post comes ,y dnt u keep ur search wrk going.Find something for older posts
Cinephile said…
well dats not a bad idea….but it will certainly take some time….otherwise my boss will slay me for secretly working for you while withdrawing salary from d company…..ha ha ha…
Siddhi Agrawal said…
hmmm and i wont be paying u even, so dat wud be nt even a part time job
Cinephile said…
you don’t always work for salary……sometimes you just want to do sthing….ha ha ha
Cinephile said…
so you read iacocca as well….nd are also unfortunate enough to have office on saturdays.....;)
Siddhi Agrawal said…
m fortunate enough not to work under anyone...

ha haa(copying ur style)
Cinephile said…
still studying….little (copycat) girl ha ha ha....
Siddhi Agrawal said…
btw r u unfortunate? acc to ur statement
Cinephile said…
yar who likes working on saturdays, that ways….I guess people like me are unfortunate…..and yes you highness I stand by my statement……ha ha ha….so what are u studying, hope the abrupt inquisitiveness doesn’t break the protocol…..;)
Siddhi Agrawal said…
it might... he he

filhaal I study nothing (lolz)
Cinephile said…
that’s the best phase of life, wn hv nothing to study and u read iacocca and mccormack and write poetries…..keep it up
Siddhi Agrawal said…
this phase is not so gud as it seems..anyways thnks.....
Cinephile said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cinephile said…
preparing for MBA or some entrance….well little girl don’t lose your heart….i know this phase is not dat pleasant….but all of us have to go through it……you know wise men say that you should work hard to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get….give your best shot to whatever you are doing……chill little girl
Siddhi Agrawal said…
hey! how well u read others mind
.U r right,m preparing for mba.Thanks for ur encouragement.
Siddhi Agrawal said…
one simple question, wht were u searching dat u came across my blog?
Cinephile said…
well keep on studying, unlike me I hope you get 99 percentile to make it to some iims….ha ha ha… I found your blog????? Well I like reading poetry and shayaries….so I was wondering that the art is finally dying…both hind and English poetry and of course urdu shayari. I was wondering if ppl of our generation ( I am slightly elder than you) are writing something or not and I discovered your blog. That day was a lean day in office so I decided to do some time pass by searching for a poem which had a similar idea like yours……and then the conversation begun….ha ha ha….nd as its my job to talk to people so I kept talking to you…..this is the story…..hope it explains
Siddhi Agrawal said…
hmm dis crisp reply explains everything.

and r u so old dat u keep calling me little girl?

i suppose u r in media field,m i right?
Cinephile said…
ya right I am in media field, and I am 25 years old….old enough to call you little girl….ha ha ha
Siddhi Agrawal said…
some more inquisitiveness: r u in delhi? I saw ur blog"its me" a trip to ranchi.

hope it doesn't disturb.Although this is absurd space to chat
Cinephile said…
you are right again….i am in delhi, I work for a delhi based newspaper….ha ha ha…..originally I am from ranchi…but I did my graduation and all from here and naturally crowding your city since last 8 years……don’t fret if you see a post describing my trip to bihar, because I am going there tom to report from the flood hit areas… mail id is …so in case u find this place absurd u can chat dre….;)….i am usually online most of the time when I am awake
is it really your creation?

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