Life is Fleeting – make most of it now!


Exactly a year ago, Covid 19 was a buzz word, every day learning more about it, feeling compassion for those who had to go through it.  I had converted little corner of my home into workspace, ordered right furniture and adjusted to new normalcy in work from home mode. I had always loved the office environment hence working from home forever had been hard at times, but it has given new meaning to solitude.

I figured out ways to channelize my energy, developed new skills, explored new hobbies, found ways to remain human, learned measures to make solitude experience a bliss. I had written about my experiences and experiments in 2020 in my previous post, totally unaware what 2021 holds for me.

And now after a year, this bug hit me too. I read the most dreaded "Positive" word on my test result. I can relate to million others out there in world, how it feels to embrace yourself and fight it out in quarantine mode. Knowing about it for almost a year, and living by myself, I guess I had developed this strength to deal with it when time comes.

Yes, I have all the symptoms like cold, cough, fever, body ache, loss of smell, headache etc. There are days when it feels like my head has gone to attend Metallica concert, banging head to “Nothing Else Matters” where neurons are excited and jumping at highest amplitude in euphoric state. There are other days when body resists to get up from bed and cook for myself. My smell and taste resigned from duty without giving any notice period. It took some time to convince and they are back now. Fever and body-ache made me vegetable lying on bed for 24 hours which itself gave another backache. Argh, it is becoming vicious cycle of aches and aches. 

There were days when I did not know what next morning would bring, how my body would react, just sleeping when sun goes down and waking up at random hours staring at ceiling, zilch activity, just resting and resting.

At worst of your times, when you need the most, god sends help in unknown ways. Thanks to kind people who sent food and blessings, I am recovering with moral support of near and dear ones. Life goes on, time passes by, I guess now I would have my own stories to share about this pandemic. 

I am quite thankful to god for every new sunshine I can witness and feel the warmth in and around me.


Vishakha said…
Just read and could feel it..
Prasun said…
This is you....Brave n getting stronger day by day....
Unknown said…
Prayers for u. You are in direct protection of The Mother. U will be fine soon. Keep Remembering The Mother.

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