To My Better Half in Making

Since you are sitting in some hideous spot in some corner of the world, I have to let you know I take good care of me and my other half is doing all your jobs pretty effectively and responsibly in your absence. My other half is slowly becoming my better half and I feel very much comfortable with this bond we are developing. Its lovely to flourish such a deep connection with oneself.

Other day someone asked, "Its Friday, ain't you going out? No plans?" How should I reply back? Should I tell you are too busy or should I disclose my actual plans?

I take myself out for brunches, movie dates, luncheons, nature walks, festivals, events and even long drives. You may have to look for advance booking as now a days all my evenings are booked with other self who entertains my day dreams, aspirations, monologues, life plans, consolations, self cheering which uplifts my mind, body and soul.

Song playing in background [Damn, I like me better when I am with you ..]

Hey listen, do you even know your lady goes so crazy sometimes, she just goes after what she wants. CRAZY but MINDFUL! Support her dreams. And other times she cries her brains out, I fear if she would be alright, it wrenches my heart when she breaks down. But she always rose back, DELICATE but STRONG! Handle her with care. There are times when she wants to do thousand things and then does none, totally CONFUSED but PASSIONATE! Be Anchor in her life. She sees an emotional flick and tears roll down her cheeks, how EMPATHETIC but DETERMINED! She does not trust any one blindly. It took a lot of time in nourishing this bond. Be honest with her. Follow her, you do not know yet, Its Gold mine for you, Mine it.

Rest be assured, I am substituting well. You better tie up your laces and hurry up else this other self would not vacate this position. Yes addictions ain't good but this one feels right. Your Lady is charming, powerful and on Fire!

Maroon 5 Song playing in background [ Yeah yeah yeah, I like a girl like you..]


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