Enjoy the moment, Live in it!

Enjoy the diligent, focused, challenging work, and enjoy the carefree, lighthearted, playful times. Enjoy the moments of quiet solitude as well as the times when you’re surrounded by the stimulating energy of the people in your life.

Enjoy giving love and being loved. Enjoy making a difference and enjoy the assistance and collaboration of others who make a difference in your life.

Enjoy the things you’re confident of as well as the things that are a mystery. Enjoy diving into life’s pleasures and enjoy working through life’s problems.

Enjoy the warm sun on your skin and enjoy the cold wind against your face. Enjoy being confident and enjoy being surprised. 

The more of life you enjoy, and treasure, and appreciate, the more access you’ll have to life’s best possibilities. When you can find something to sincerely enjoy, you have found a pathway to great value and fulfillment.

Today is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience, filled with opportunities for all different kinds of richness. Step enthusiastically forward into whatever today offers, and enjoy.

— Ralph Marston


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