Self Control- "Even the best man stray"!

Self control is an oddly treacherous thing. The instant you think you have mastered it, it deserts you, suddenly and without warning!

He promised never to betray
suppressing the idea in a bray
failing in letting it go away
even the best man stray!

Is he the obvious candidate of adultry
Succumbing to the world's mockery
deafening himself to HIS advisory
resting in his own aery

Drawn in a battle array
Why do you affray
burning the sole in ashtray
even best man stray!


Jyoti Naagar said…
i guess god has inbuilt it in man's machinary...
mad.monk9 said…
Evolution, it what you will! It's an evolutionary necessity--not for the male alone--but for the human species.

We celebrate the birth of a child.. my child! my child!!
Gibran says it's Life yearning for itself.
I agree. You don't??
mad.monk9 said…
I like the poem, but the reasoning seems to be slighly shaky: as if the straying male is only 2nd best..!

It's Evolution! Survival of the species 'homo sapien'.

We celebrate the birth of a child: my child! My child!

It's Life--as Khalil Gibran says-- yearning for Itself.

I agree! You don't??
Jack said…
While people may have different views still good things should always be appreciated. Yours is a nice blog. Liked it!!!
Siddhi Agrawal said…
Thanks Jack, for the appreciation!

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