Lost in the mob

A thousand voiceless faces
cast in the same mold
silently urging you
to do as you're told.

A thousand faceless voices
speak in the same tone
urging you to suppress
the song of your own.

Fight to rise above the mob
for when all is told and done
all you really have to show
is d little individuality you've won.

A journey through time & space,
trying to bridge the miles & years,
between where I find myself,
& a place I used to call home.

Hollow shells of brick & stone,
shadows of ghosts that were friends,
the closer I am to where I was,
The more a stranger am I to myself.

p.s: taken from "Mix-ology"


Swati Jain said…
hmm..so it was d impact f mix-o logy..i was wondering y dis poetry sounds so familiar to me den realised tht it was 4m d novel..
Unknown said…
i dint kno it was from a novel untill i reached the end.. was so awestruk by the lines.. truly d best!
i Love ur blog :)

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