Never Expect...

It seems a pessimistic approach , but its true with evryone.The more you expect n the more u get frustrated. Not to expect is one step ahead in ladder of being happier.If you don't expect n still u get ,it gives a scintilating affect of surprise.Why not to stop brooding on what you don't get from others,rather appreciate what you possess.
But its in human nature to EXPECT.One expects n if it is not fulfilled,emotions get scattered.But why should I take things to heart.Different situations teaches different lessons...
It is better not to expect anything from anyone-it may be ur frnds,family or very closeones. Just learn n live happily."GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES"


The Wanderer said…
hey, read this.. this is probably the answer to some of our problems...
ankitminglani said…
are sabse badiya baat hai yeh toh.. .. if you can really implement this...sab taraf khushi hogi hamesha ....hamesha :D
Siddhi Agrawal said…
but "implementation" remains
ya its a good thought and its a good way to live but a thing is cropping up in my mind-there are many good thoughts, many good paths, many good ideas and many many good texts but the thing that remains wanting is a good life.i dont want to discourage you to keep writing but i think its better to do it first and then the world will know what it is. i can write even more but i scare i may be doing the same thing.
Siddhi Agrawal said…
good life comes if u do good,
n these r mere texts to inspire u in achieving that.Not only 4 world to know rather to make urself aware of ur inside being
samira said…
each n evry word is true n its d only formula to be happy n life...expectations hurt like dont expect n be happy..very well written siddhi
samira said…
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samira said…
each n every word here is true...its d only formula to be happy always...never expect anything n u ll b happy in life...when expectations r not fulfilld u get hurt a lot dnt expect n try 2 give ur best to others...very well written siddhi

Aditya Deorha said…
i have thought about it many times before. the fact that you have realized it is commendable coz dis means dat u wil atleast start trying to reduce ur expectations. even i keep trying to do the same..
well from unkowns and acquaintances my level of expectation is just limited to a decent behaviour (cant go below dat :P ) . from friends i expect them to help me when i really need it. its lyk suppose i am getting bored and i really wanna go to a movie and my frnd refuses to it wont result in any kinda grudge against him. but when there is real need which if not done can cause a lot of harm then i expect my frnds to cum ova. the difference between friends and acquaintances is this only, an acquaintance may accompany u on the movie, but not when u really need him...
Siddhi Agrawal said…
yup... dats right.
expectations frm frns n acquaintances
r diff.But stil y do we expect so much?see thr r some kinda expectations frm unknowns too.
arunima said…
u spoke of frustration mate.. u feel frustrated when u expect sumthing, when u want sumthin.... d desires, d carving is all a part of lookin up... ie lookin up from d things u already possess and havin d urge for more.. but sometimes its important to look down- ie to take a look at d poeple who barely have nything in their life... in terms of money, family or whtever be it..... its good to have a certain carving that helps u set goals but sometimes just takin a look around u and of wht u already have can help in lettin a lil bit of that frustration out! tc!
The Wanderer said…
I am expecting you to write a new post!!! :)

rightly said... bt i uld like 2 say a few wrds on dis... man may kno evrythng bt he surely dosent kno hw 2 control himself completly... isiliye life is nt simple bt its stranger dan fiction... 1 advice 2 all... plz plz plz... try 2 keep ur life as simple as possible... xpect bt dont expect so much dat if it dosent cm tru u r left helpless... be always optimistic nd always try 2 laugh away ur problems.....
Siddhi Agrawal said…
ya , its right way to lead a life. Just laugh off on the probs n go ahead
keshavi said…
Its a mature approach to life...though it seems the right one , it is very difficult to tend to expect a few things from your closed ones.
Siddhi Agrawal said…
yup , u r right, hope maturedness comes along with life.

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