
Go Green

G o, Grab it!! R ead & read to increase your horizon. E nthusiasm opens up new doors. E at smart. N othing is impossible.

Am learning

To love the unknown To laugh at obstacles To smile on those tiny knots To groan n wash off anger To breathe deep To feel the energy To stop cursing To enjoy the present n presents ;) To unburden To Pray To fall but again stand up To learn n relearn To care n show too To bother n not to bother much To observe n admire To touch n feel To waste time in organised way To get bored in unusual manner p.s: First post in new year,back on blog after some wasteful 4 months

palmistry or geometry?

Last night I was revising some geometry concepts,practising a few questions.... And then due to pain in my neck,put the pen down,straightened my back and somehow started staring at my palm.I was lost among those criss cross lines.The more i gazed,the more unfamiliar they became. And I stared some more with some sort of frustration and anger....thinking what would these lines signify?Why is there so much of mess? So many lines... How could a palmist interpret it?Is our future written in this graphical form? Ooooo Is palmistry that interesting ?What if I rub it off and write something else,whatever i wish!! Is it possible?  My brain was ablaze.But suddenly it took a steep turn,pushed the palmistry to back stage.And then I was floating in pool of geometry,those familiar figures.Ah! there it was,a hexagon at the left top,and i could recall all of its properties.Ha ha ,what a way of revising concepts. Again my brain peered at my palm- to search some more figures?To revise more concepts?...

For you!

When u r sad,I wil dry ur tears. When u r scared, I will comfort ur fears. When u r worried,I will gv u hope. When u r confused, I will help u cope. When u r lost n can't see d light, I shall be ur becon shining ever so bright! This is my oath I pledge till d end, 'Why' u may ask,bcoz u r a friend! God must hv known,there wud be times we'd need a word of cheer, someone to praise a triumph or brush away a tear! He must hv known we'd need to share the joy of little things, in order to appreciate the happiness life brings. I think he knew our troubled hearts wud sometimes throb with pain, at trials and misfortunes or some goals we can't attain. He knew we wud need the comfort of understanding heart, to gv us courage and strength to make a fresh new start. He knew we'd need companionship unselfish....lasting n true, n so God answered the heart's great need with a cherished frnd like "you".


It was a small pebble found at a sea shore perceived as fribble formed out of some ore. It was beautiful and mellow curvaceous and lustrous bright with a tinch of yellow under the sun it seemed outragious. He noticed it & touched it took it in his hand it jumped out of euphoria,oouch! was back on sand. It wished to see him again but he had gone searched him, but all in vain alas! was left all alone.

Lost in the mob

A thousand voiceless faces cast in the same mold silently urging you to do as you're told. A thousand faceless voices speak in the same tone urging you to suppress the song of your own. Fight to rise above the mob for when all is told and done all you really have to show is d little individuality you've won. ****************************** A journey through time & space, trying to bridge the miles & years, between where I find myself, & a place I used to call home. Hollow shells of brick & stone, shadows of ghosts that were friends, the closer I am to where I was, The more a stranger am I to myself. p.s: taken from "Mix-ology"

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will. when the road you're trudging, seems all up hill. When funds are low, and debts are high, and u want to smile, but u have to sigh. when care is pressing, you down a bit, rest if u must.... but don't u quit. Life is strange, with its twists and turns, as everyone of us, sometimes learns. And many a failure, turns about, when he might have won, had he stuck it out. Don't give up, though the pace seems low, you may succeed, with another blow. p.s: visit