Memoirs from Land of Adventures - Peru

Memoirs from my first ever visit to South American continent, landing directly into country of adventures. This is land full of culture, variety of terrain from desert to mountains, weather oscillating between dry and wet season, rich sumptuous food for vegetarians as well as non vegetarian and warm people with gleaming eyes at each corner. You ask for any terrain type and you will get it here, I landed in lima which is capital city established on banks of river, flew to Cusco which is 11000 feet above sea level to hike in mountains, took multiple mode of transport ending with boat ride to stay in remotest cabins in amazon jungle and witness wild life. Hold your beer, this is just a sneak peak to my lovely readers into power packed, thrilling experience for next 10 days. Exciting stuff, isn't it? They say You Only Live Once (YOLO), I say you live every day but die only once. Inca people represented their country into three tiered architecture where each side consists of elements f...