My Window

This is my content place. I sit at my window to eat, to read and observe the world around me. For hours I stare outside through my window, soaking my senses with the greenery, the rain drops, fall colors, snowflakes, and leafless branches, witnessing all seasons. This window has lot to offer me, my companion in all the times, days and nights, in all the seasons. My companion who gives me warmth through its glass pane on a sunny afternoon, calms my nerves with breeze of air blowing smell of grass and mud, fills my ears with music of tiny raindrops crashing on it, shows camaraderie with army of ants leaving a trail mark on its sill, provides me vibrant life filled with plants, insects, wasps, spiders and of course passersby. At times I just peep momentarily into lives of passersby. They become part of my life unknowingly. It’s quite engaging to observe beautiful emotions though this small rectangular glass. It was onset of spring, time to come out and soak some vitamin ...