On Saint Valentine's Day

Do lovers need to express their love on any one particular day?? Why did Pope Gelasius I established this day? To honor several Christian martyrs?? Or for us to follow it blindly till date?? Well do we really believe in this concept? Or we take it as another day to indulge in extravagance? Ah... well what did you buy this time to impress your beloved? Did you check with the price tag? How much does a Red rose costs today... where would it be cheap? How much for a kg of rose petals? Rs 200 at one place and Rs 40 somewhere else.. Ah, really? Why can't same love be expressed with same monetary amount. Does the intensity differ if u gift a diamond necklace or just a bouquet or only e- greeting card? Btw how many sms(es) floats on this particular day? Good revenue generation for telecom department and various service providers.. Ultimately somewhere down the line you need money to express your feelings. So is it the trade off between money and love? To My valentine Wit...