Saddi Dilli to ggn- unforgettable Journey

You are excited for your industry training but as days passes you realize its more about getting trained in how to reach to your destination. Fun, I claim it to be. You jostle in the crowd to grab your seat, You relate to every scene and beat. You have always been known for your punctuality. Rather I would say you are over punctual. You enjoy being the early ones to enter your premises. Its Monday, you have been warned for not so frequent cab service and more no. of people to catch the service (those returning back to their PG for another Working week) So That Day ….. You were rushing to reach on time with margin of an hour in hand, But got stuck on Highway with roaring engine and dried salivary gland. Ah!!The engine was heated, it gulped liters of water. Still, could not recover from the shock of overweighed passengers. It betrayed you mid way and did not provide any other alternative. You are still new to this route.... yet to explore… unfamiliar roads.. different turns…...